Monday, January 5, 2009


"Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you." - Elbert Hubard This weekend we got to spend Saturday night with six of our most favorite friends and their precious kiddos. We enjoyed some yummy food, some Wii bowling, stories, lots of laughs and my favorite - some great pics....
The girls

The guys

Missy and the kids.....except Jax, he was in his mood! Mama Dell and Hayd Jaxon and Miss Brynn watching Mickey on the computer.
Buddies - Hayden and John
Brynn and Maddie (Look at Brynn's eyes....gorgeous!)
Jaycie and Maddie (They could pass as sisters)
McKenzie and Missy (How cute!)
We have all been through alot together. Some of us have grown up together, some of us went to school together, we have been there for marriages, babies, happiest of times, and our most difficult times. We have all seen each other at our best and at our worst and yet we still like each other.....go figure! Thanks, my friends, for sharing a great evening with us. And thanks for all the yummy food! (Jen, there are only a handfull of your cookies left...Thanks for the extra pounds!) Until next time......
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In other news....we had such a great Christmas break. I loved that the Dell5 got to spend so much time together as a family over the pass two weeks. We slept in, made late breakfasts, played games, spent time with other family, and just plain 'ole hung out and did nothing!
Although I loved being out of sorts, I am ready to get back to our regular schedule. The kids were a little tough to get up this morning. Maddie groaned when I told her it was time to get up, Jaxon was still sleeping on my shoulder as I carried him down the steps, and Hayden, well, he wins the prize for funniest kid of the morning.
As I woke him and told him, "time to get up and take sissy to school", his response was..."but I'm sleeping, Mommy!" I laughed and left the room telling him to get up and I went down to start my coffee. He came fumbling down the steps and walked back to the bathroom still half asleep, so I thought. He was trying to go to the bathroom, but he was awful far away from the potty. I said, "Hayden stand closer to the potty or you might not make it in!" his response, "Oh Mom....go make your coffee!" I never laughed so hard, Hayd was giggling too. What a great way to start the morning!
Here is a picture of Maddie ready to get back into the swing of school. We started a new thing of curling her hair. Now she wants to do it everyday. Doesn't she look cute? She is growing up way too fast!


Liz said...

Sounds like you had an amazing visit with your friends and a wonderful family filled Christmas!

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Tell you husband if he decides to paint a room Vikings Gold that it took me 4 coats...ugh!

Liz said...

By the way I LOVE the background of your cute! and your kids are adorable!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dells:
Sounds like you had a great time with your friends,how fun. Leave it to Hayden~never know what can come out of the mouths of babes. I hope everyone is able to fall back into rountines without much trouble. Maddie I love your hair and yes mom is right you are growing up way to fast. Have a great week.~ Darlene

Liz said...

hey there....if you want to buy me a plane ticket I would be happy to come decorate! but only in the summer....too cold there right now! tee hee...thanks for your kind comments!