Not Me Monday & A Prayer
Another addition of "Not Me! Monday" Check out MckMama's blog for her lastest post and to read other "Not Me! Monday" bloggers.
My Not Me's for the week....
I did not pray for five o'clock to come last Monday so I could go to work and get a break from the kids.
I did not rush to get the kids to bed Thursday night so I could watch Grey's Anatomy with my friend Andrea.
While at the store, I did not wipe Jaxon's nose with his shirt because I didn't have a tissue.....that would be gross!
I did not tell Hayden to crawl in bed with me a 7am Friday morning because I didn't feel like getting up yet, even though I had a lot to do.
I have been getting this really good, fresh salsa at the store and I am addicted to it. So, I did not eat two containers of it and only share a small portion with my hubby last week.
I did not make my daughter give me $10 towards a Halloween costume she wanted online because I thought the price was ridiculous.
And last but not least I most certainly DID NOT steal candy from the kids that they got at the Halloween parade on Saturday and tell them, "I'm not sure where it is!!"
Please say a prayer for Hayden today. He has his three month kidney ultrasound to check for Wilm's Tumor. Pray for clean kidneys!!! I'll update when we get back!
Praying for clean you guys!
Thank you for the comment! I completely get the rush for Grey's Anatomy! I don't rush everybody along either! Watch out for me on Sunday nights too...Amazing Race & Desperate Housewives?!?! Two hours of simple pleasures :)
I think I'm going to "borrow" your recipe for Pumpkin Cookies...yummy!
Have a great day & may God bless your son...
I never ask my kiddos to climb in bed with me when they wake up before I am ready to get up, especially when I have a lot to do =)
just prayed for your son.
Praying for your son- what strength he must have! I wish I went to work to get away, but alas, I am a teacher, so I just get more!
Ha! I NEVER wipe my kids noses on my shirt. LOL ANd I am SO with you on the Salsa..I am about done with my big ole jug and need some more. It's HEALTHY! C'mon!
I gave up the rush to watch my shows - I just watch them online now. *phew*
Happy Monday!
I saw your blog on MckMama's, and stopped by to check it out. Great Not Me Monday! I most certainly have not done any of those things listed. Prayers for your son!
Greys anatomy is NOT my favorite show.
I NEVER eat the good candy first from the kids bags.
Praying for you guys...
Thanks for the comment--you have a gorgeous family! Praying for your little guy!
Praying for your little man!
There is nothing better than Grey's with friend..
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