Of course she had to bring along the DS to pass the time!
On their first few hunts they saw a good bit of deer, but none were in shooting range and most were doe. The rules say Maddie can only shoot a buck, so they were just waiting for that perfect moment and perfect shot.
Maddie out on her third hunt. Gotta love the pink boots! It was pretty chilly out and the only thing she had to wear were the boots. We laughed as she came down the steps. You will never be able to take the "Girl" out of Maddie.
The blind Brian and Maddie built before the hunt. Little did they know that this was the night......
that Maddie......
would aim......
and SCORE!!!!!!!!!
Maddie and her first buck!!!!!!!! She made the perfect shot!!!!!!
Proud Maddie and her Dad!!!!!!!
I didn't believe her when she called and told me she got one. How excitng! The local newspaper even did an article on her that ran on the front page of the sports section. We are so proud of her. She credits it all to the pink boots. They are now her lucky boots!