Friday, May 22, 2009

T-ball and Science Fairs, and Baseball...Oh My!!!

Hayden is loving t-ball. He gets excited everytime we tell him he has practice or a game. Brian is coaching his team which Hayden loves. The last game Brian started to get them to hit the ball with him pitching instead of using the "t". The first pitch Brian threw to Hayden he hit it. I totally wasn't expecting it. I wanted to video tape it , but I got a picture instead.

Hayden's next up I had video ready.....he didn't hit with the pitches, but cracked one out with the "t". Some funny & cute things to watch.....

-How the other kids are chanting Hayden's name! -Hayden hands the bat to the other coach instead of throwing it down (he does this everytime!) so cute!

-Once Hayden gets on second and the next player is up he doesn't run to third. The other kid on the base is telling him, "go to third!"

-How Hayd jumps on every base.

-How excited he is to come home!

I will treasure this video forever!!

The next few pics are what Hayden does in the outfield!

Chewing on his glove! Again....chewing on his glove!
I have no clue what he is doing here........

Maddie had her science fair at school last night. Her experiment was, "Which paper towel absorbs the most liquid?" (it's Viva Paper Towels by the way!) All the kids got trophies. Maddie loves to get them and add them to her collection.

Maddie is also playing baseball. She doesn't care for it much, but she is one of the best ones on her team. Last game she was 3 for 3 in hits and she threw a couple of kids out at first. The best part is........yep.....SHE"S A YANKEE!!!!! Are you loving the pink bat or what??!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Not Me Monday...It's Back!!!

Not Me Monday is back, now that Stellan is home (praise God!) from a five week stay in the hospital. Check out MckMama's blog to read about the miracle Stellan and to read more Not Me's!! We did not have a total blast at the Make A Wish Truck Convoy yesterday dispite the rain!!

I was not thrilled that Brian and I got soooo much done outside on Sat since the kids baseball games were cancelled because of the rain that never came!

I did not tell an almost potty trained Jaxon to peed in his pullup yesterday because I didn't want to take him to the gross port-a-potty!

I was not a bit freaked out on Monday when Hayden had all but one of the swine flu symptoms, Dr K did not assure me it wasn't that....but was pneumonia.

I did not lie to Maddie and tell her, "No, I don't mind the dentist" as we walked into our appointment on Thursday......can I tell you I hate the sound of scraping those medal utensils on teeth.....drives me batty!!

Last but not least....Jaxon has not had Fruit Loops everyday the past week for breakfast because that's what the boy wanted and nothing else!