Sunday April 5, 2009 ~
After a restless night's sleep, for me anyway, we got up at 8:00am and ate breakfast at the hotel. We showered and caught the 11:00am shuttle to the airport. We had the kids decked out the their Make A wish t-shirts.
We arrived at Give Kids The World Village around 4:45pm. Miss Laura checked us in and showed us the ropes telling us all about what would be in store for us that week. She showed us our awesome villa. It was like home sweet home!

We then took at little stroll down the Avenue of Angels to check out the village we would be spending the next few days in.
Julie's Safari Theatre (where you can watch movies and where we first met Mickey and Minnie)
Ice Cream Palace (Where we got ice cream everynight!)
Castle of Miracles (play area, where the spa is and where all the golden stars are hung...that will be in a later post)
Matthew's Boundless Playground (This is based off the game CandyLand. The playground is a layout of the game.)
Gingerbread House (Where we ate breakfast and supper)
Inside the GB House
Pictures from the carousel that you can ride everyday, all day long.....for free!!!
After dinner we hit the CandyLand Block Party. We actually got to be the players in the CandyLand game. The kids had a blast. They also had music blaring and of course Hayden took full advantage of shaking his booty!