Monday, November 23, 2009

Jax at Preschool

The other day Jax had a field trip at preschool. Before we left the kids showed the parents their morning routine.
First we made a craft.....Froot Loop necklaces.
Then the calendar and The Pledge Of Allegiance. Jaxon's job for the day was to be the flag holder.
He looks so thrilled, doesn't he?
Then they sang some of their Thanksgiving songs for us. Sooo cute!!
Here's a video of the Pledge. Jaxon wasn't saying it, but he knows all the words and says it at home all the time. I'll try to catch it on's adorable!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Skating for Wishes

Sunday night we enjoyed a night of Skating. All proceeds went to the Truck Convoy For Wishes. The kids had a and dad had fun too! Maddie's name got drawn and she won a special Webkinz. Hayden got a Gift Card for a yummy pizza place for doing so well at the Hokey Pokey. We also recieved a special gift that we totally were not expecting from a special lady. Her name got drawn for the ipod Nano they were giving away and she didn't want it. She offered it to us! How sweet was that?! We have been truly blessed by being part of the Make A Wish Foundation. Not just by the things we have recieved but by the selfless people we have met through it. Our lives are forever changed and for that we are grateful!
Jax learning the ropes
Maddie, looking like a pro
Me & Hayd
Big Bird & Elmo even came for a visit....even on skates!
Hayd did great....this was him by the end of the night. Taking a break
Here's a video of the night...enjoy!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Dear and Her Deer

Hunting season is in full swing and this year with the PA Mentor Program Brian decided to take Maddie out on her first deer hunt. Maddie got her own crossbow and practiced through the summer. She seems to be a natural as her aim is quiet good! She may even show her dad up!

Brian showing Maddie the ropes as they venture out on their first hunt!

Of course she had to bring along the DS to pass the time!

View through the scope

Getting ready.

On their first few hunts they saw a good bit of deer, but none were in shooting range and most were doe. The rules say Maddie can only shoot a buck, so they were just waiting for that perfect moment and perfect shot.

Maddie out on her third hunt. Gotta love the pink boots! It was pretty chilly out and the only thing she had to wear were the boots. We laughed as she came down the steps. You will never be able to take the "Girl" out of Maddie.

Practicing her aim.

The blind Brian and Maddie built before the hunt. Little did they know that this was the night......

that Maddie......

would aim......


and SCORE!!!!!!!!!

Maddie and her first buck!!!!!!!! She made the perfect shot!!!!!!

Proud Maddie and her Dad!!!!!!!

I didn't believe her when she called and told me she got one. How excitng! The local newspaper even did an article on her that ran on the front page of the sports section. We are so proud of her. She credits it all to the pink boots. They are now her lucky boots!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Make A Wish Video

Two weeks ago we were asked to go our local Exchange Club meeting to talk about our Make A Wish Trip. The Exchange Club is the one who sponsored Hayden's wish to Disney back in April. I made a DVD of our trip and they loved it. I have been getting emails from family and friends to post here so they can see it too.....your wish is my command! It's about 15 minutes long (took 1,000 pictures, it was hard to choose!) so make sure you have time. Also turn up your speakers. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Still Here and Having Fun!

Yes, the Dell's are still around...just very busy! We are having lots of fun this summer. Maddie & I got the chance to go to the OBX with a dear friend for a week in June. We had so much fun just us girls! Brian held down the fort at home with the help of some very good friends. The boys and the house survived the week or should I say Brian survived the week! :-) Here are a few pics....
Shopping in Hateras Golf anyone? Maddie got a hole in one! The whole family was then off to WAGR Weekend in Maryland. We always look forward to this weekend. We get to meet some of the families we got to know through the WAGR support group. The emotions, love and support we get from this special weekend is the most amazing thing. We would be utterly lost without the IWSA. The park it was held at was fantastic. Saturday we had some free time so we took advantage of the water park, complete with tunnel slides.
Maddie on the slide. She just loved them!!
Of course Daddy had to join in the fun!
They also had a little section for the wee ones. Hayden went down this slide at least 50 times!
We have also been going to cookouts & birthday parties. Our local theater has free movies for the kids. We have gone there once so far and are planning to go next week. I tend to use it as a bribe and a treat for good behavior!
We also have our own set of birthday's coming up. Hayden will be 6 tomorrow July 23rd. Jaxon will be 3 on Aug 3rd, and Miss Maddie will be 9 on Aug 28th. I can't believe my babies are all growing up so fast!
Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Congratulations Graduate!!!

Hayden graduated preschool last Tuesday night. We are so happy for him as he was so excited for this day. He was so proud of himself as were we! Yet there is a bit of sadness in my heart as I know he will be moving on from this wonderful program and from his wonderful teachers and therapists. Although I am happy of all of his accomplishments I am a bit scared about Hayden's future education. I know he is going to need a lot more help than a regular child. His visual impairment and developmental delays will definately be an obstacle for him. I read of other parents of special needs children having to fight for services for there children. We have been lucky so far to have been on the same page (almost:-) with all of the teachers and therapist Hayden has met over the years. I try not to let myself think too far ahead and worry about the future, but how can you not? Hayden will be going to a visually impaired classroom next year. We were set on sending him to the same elementary school as Maddie with learning support. We adore our local elementary and the teachers, but when we went to tour the VI classroom our minds changed. Brian and I both had the same feeling as we entered the classroom and talked with the teacher. His needs will be met there with the technology they have and all the adaptations they have for visually impaired children. Hayden will be able to learn at his own pace with a lot more one on one teaching. He will be taught braile, something we think he definately needs to learn. With Hayden having glaucoma the chances of him loosing his vision is something that could happen. Although he is stable now, that could change at any time. Why not teach it to him now while he is young. Why wait? Hayd is very excited to start his new school in the fall. I am anxious to see how he does having to get up early and be at school all day. The first few weeks may be rough :-) But we certainly think he is ready. He loves going to school. I just hope it stays that way!! Here is the video I made of his graduation. It's about 10 minutes long, but worth the time! Enjoy!

Friday, May 22, 2009

T-ball and Science Fairs, and Baseball...Oh My!!!

Hayden is loving t-ball. He gets excited everytime we tell him he has practice or a game. Brian is coaching his team which Hayden loves. The last game Brian started to get them to hit the ball with him pitching instead of using the "t". The first pitch Brian threw to Hayden he hit it. I totally wasn't expecting it. I wanted to video tape it , but I got a picture instead.

Hayden's next up I had video ready.....he didn't hit with the pitches, but cracked one out with the "t". Some funny & cute things to watch.....

-How the other kids are chanting Hayden's name! -Hayden hands the bat to the other coach instead of throwing it down (he does this everytime!) so cute!

-Once Hayden gets on second and the next player is up he doesn't run to third. The other kid on the base is telling him, "go to third!"

-How Hayd jumps on every base.

-How excited he is to come home!

I will treasure this video forever!!

The next few pics are what Hayden does in the outfield!

Chewing on his glove! Again....chewing on his glove!
I have no clue what he is doing here........

Maddie had her science fair at school last night. Her experiment was, "Which paper towel absorbs the most liquid?" (it's Viva Paper Towels by the way!) All the kids got trophies. Maddie loves to get them and add them to her collection.

Maddie is also playing baseball. She doesn't care for it much, but she is one of the best ones on her team. Last game she was 3 for 3 in hits and she threw a couple of kids out at first. The best part is........yep.....SHE"S A YANKEE!!!!! Are you loving the pink bat or what??!!