Remember my "Not Me" about being lazy skipping laundry over the weekend.........remind me never to do that again! As you can see from the picture below I did many, many, many loads of laundry over the past 24 hours....too many to count. In the mist of the laundry I also had time to......take Hayden for his recheck at the doctor, get Hayden on the bus, pick Maddie up from school, have a chat with Maddie's teacher, go to the pharmacy, take Hayd up to the hospital for xrays of his sinuses and adenoids,chat with a friend on the phone, talk to the allergist, talk to the pediatrician.....again, eat supper (hubby made it!), give the boys a bath, put all the clothes away just in time to enjoy the finale of The Biggest Loser (love that show!) WAs I a busy girl yesterday or what??!

Believe it or not there is a system of organization to all the mess on our bed. The clothes are separated by person....shirt, pants, jammies, etc. Much easier to put away everything at one time instead of several trip to each person's dresser. Just when I think I am done....lookie, lookie
Another load in the washer..........................

And....................................another in the dryer! What the %?*@

Oh look another basket full of dirty laundry......
6 6
Are you kidding me??? The hamper was just empty.......

Does it ever end???!!!!
In other news, We had the privledge to go to the Make A Wish Christmas Party On Sunday. We enjoyed a great meal, crafts, and of course a visit from Santa. Jaxon was excited to see him, but refused to sit on his lap. Hayden of course struck up a conversation with the jolly man, but wanted nothing to do with any physical contact with him. They kids got a boat load of gifts too.
Happy Wednesday!