Wednesday, December 31, 2008

More Christmas

This Christmas seems to never end....but that's okay with me. I love all the get togethers. Last weekend we were very busy. Saturday we went ot Brian's Grandmothers in Maryland, to Brian's Mom's and to visit the Liberty #1 Fire Station (They are the ones who drove us on the Make A Wish Convoy) Then on Sunday we had another family Christmas Party. Busy, busy, busy!!
Maddie opening her gifts at Nanny's House
Hayden opening his Zebra
Jaxon opening his sleeping bag.
The kids, as usual, got spoiled by Nanny & Pap! Maddie got lots of craft things. Nanny made Jaxon an ABC/123 book (I will post pics later, it's so cute!), Hayden was excited to get a cd player for his room. He has been going up there by himself and sitting at his desk listening to it. Too funny! Here is a pic of the grandkids. Pic of Brian and his brothers.....I guess this is the original Dell5
This is Mr Brad from the fire station. We went up to give them some of the famous pumpkin cookies. To our surprise they had gifts for the kids. An ambulance for Hayd, rescue helicopter for Jax, and a nail & tatoo set for Mads. Thank you Mr Brad & Crew. You are too good to us!
Sunday we decked the kids out in their Yankee shirts and hats to go to my Aunt's party. After we got back the kids were bouncing off the walls. They decided to jump off the couch, (yes, I let unlike me, i know!)
Can you tell we are Jeter fans?? (Really it's just me!)
1, 2, 3, JUMP!!!!!! Hope you all have a fantastic New Year! Here's to good health and lots of happiness in 2009!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Pray for Baby Stellan

Please pray for Baby Stellan. Most of you follow MckMama's blog and know their story. Stellan is in ICU at the hospital with RSV. He is a very sick little boy right now. He might have to be intubated (tube down the throat to help him breathe).Please pray for this special family. Click the pic below to go to her blog.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Fun

Hope everyone had a great Christmas! We have had a great few days considering the stomach bug knocked on our door last Saturday night for the boys and Sunday night/Monday for me. Talk about feeling horrible! Luckily Brian nor Maddie caught the bug, but we did share it with my sister-in-law and our niece and nephew who were over Saturday for dinner before the whole thing started. Also my dad who stopped to visit on Tuesday morning ended up with it too. (Hey guys....don't say I never gave you anything!!:-) I think everyone is in the clear now. Christmas Eve we went to my sister's house for some yummy food and gift exchange. Jaxon and Hayd liked cousin Kayla's reindeer ears.
Jaxon got the cutest walking Pluto dog. It's so cute. He must have been dreaming about it that night while he was sleeping. I went to check on him and I heard him yell, "Pluto!" in his sleep.
Maddie and her High School Musical 3 DS game
Hayden...take the tags off first, silly boy!
Me, being a goofball with my new mixer!
That night, waiting for Santa. Maddie is sprinkling her reindeer food and glitter on the grass to help the reindeer find our house.
Don't forget the cookies, milk and carrots.....she had to make sure there were enough carrots for each reindeer!
The tree in the morning before the chaos began!
Glitter Lava, just what she wanted!
Bounce Back Racer Car.
Handy Manny Tool Set
One of the reindeer must have lost an antler outside our door!
Caught in a goofy pic again opening my awesome Pandora Bracelet
Daddy's turn. Brian's Birthday is on Christmas Day so his gifts were a mixture of birthday and Christmas.
Post Christmas Mess!!!!!!
Hayd & Jax both got fake hunting guns which is one of their favorite gifts. Hayden is shooting Maddie's deer Webkinz.
Jaxon with his shopping cart full of toys.
Maddie and Brian filling in Maddie's coin collection book.
Now it is time to get the house re-organized, go through toys, etc. Yay, fun! Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Santa's Elves

Merry Christmas!!!! Follow this link to a silly video of the Dell5

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Not Me Monday

It's that time again for....."Not Me Monday" Go to MckMama's blog to read more. I did not enjoy having the night off work Monday to go enjoy Maddie's Christmas concert. I did not get a little upset that I could barely see her because she was on the bottom row and I had to keep moving my head back and forth to do so. I did not skip my exercise class twice this week because Hayden was sick. I did not add two more doctors to the list of ones we already see for Hayden's medical issues. I was not totally relieved that we might finally get to the root of his sinus issues once and for all. I am not sick and tired of laundry. (If you missed the last post, scroll down!) Hayd and Jaxon did not catching the stomach bug Saturday. I did not clean up puke and wipe sore butts most of the day and night and some more on Sunday. I did not use lots of Lysol and Clorox Wipes Jaxon did not repeat over and over again today "My butt horts" (not a misspelling that's how he says it)He did not sound pathetic and cute all at the same time. My stomach is not gurgling right now as I am typing........please noooooo! Mama can not (seriously) get sick now! P.S. I did not write this post last night before bed and now I do not have the "bug" too today! My butt horts!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Note To Self...Never Skip Laundry Day!!

Remember my "Not Me" about being lazy skipping laundry over the weekend.........remind me never to do that again! As you can see from the picture below I did many, many, many loads of laundry over the past 24 hours....too many to count. In the mist of the laundry I also had time to......take Hayden for his recheck at the doctor, get Hayden on the bus, pick Maddie up from school, have a chat with Maddie's teacher, go to the pharmacy, take Hayd up to the hospital for xrays of his sinuses and adenoids,chat with a friend on the phone, talk to the allergist, talk to the pediatrician.....again, eat supper (hubby made it!), give the boys a bath, put all the clothes away just in time to enjoy the finale of The Biggest Loser (love that show!) WAs I a busy girl yesterday or what??!
Believe it or not there is a system of organization to all the mess on our bed. The clothes are separated by person....shirt, pants, jammies, etc. Much easier to put away everything at one time instead of several trip to each person's dresser. Just when I think I am done....lookie, lookie
6 6 6 6 Another load in the washer..........................
And....................................another in the dryer! What the %?*@ Oh look another basket full of dirty laundry......
Are you kidding me??? The hamper was just empty....... Does it ever end???!!!! In other news, We had the privledge to go to the Make A Wish Christmas Party On Sunday. We enjoyed a great meal, crafts, and of course a visit from Santa. Jaxon was excited to see him, but refused to sit on his lap. Hayden of course struck up a conversation with the jolly man, but wanted nothing to do with any physical contact with him. They kids got a boat load of gifts too.

Happy Wednesday!